Karate: (The way of the Empty Hand)

Undoubtably, Karate is the best known of the Martial Arts. It employs a method of training that combines both striking and kicking, giving the practitioner a full body workout at every session.

But, Karate is much more than sparring. It helps develop strength, balance, confidence, critical thinking and leadership. Many of our students have won State, National and International Championships, and gone on to success in University and their careers.l

Isshinryu Karate in particular, utilizes more natural stances and an equal balance of hand and foot techniques.

Isshinryu Karate consists of four major disciplines.


Isshinryu Karate is based on 15 basic upper body techniques and 9 lower body basics. These techniques are the fundamentals of Isshinryu Karate, which all other techniques are built from. It is important to learn these techniques correctly before getting into more advanced moves. Some black belts spend years just perfecting the straight punch.


Karate kata is a formalized step-by-step system usually incorporating a variety of kicks and strikes against an imaginary opponent. Kata is used extensively because it helps students to practice certain moves (i.e. kicking techniques, self-defense techniques and various strikes) when they are without a training partner. Karate kata also helps to improve a student’s physical conditioning, muscle memory, focus/concentration, balance, etc.


Kumite is controlled sparring between two students who wear protective gear. It is used to teach martial arts techniques and self-defense while competing against a live and often unpredictable opponent


Kobudo is a Okinawan martial arts focused on weapons training. Kobudo was developed on the Okinawan islands of Japan and concentrates on traditional Okinawan weapons such as the Bo, Sai, Tonfa